Мыло - скраб с натуральным кофе арабика и с увлажняющим кремом из масла карите
Мыло - скраб с натуральным кофе арабика и с увлажняющим кремом из масла карите
Кофейное мыло-скраб с очищающим, увлажняющим и антицеллюлитным эффектом.
100% Vegan , Natural scrub- soap . the "Cardinal Richelieu" For professional athletes, fitness and yoga lovers, anti age and anti-cellulite effect based on organic coffee arabica and herbs, organic components only, a perfect way to help ensure proper care and treatment for your skin. Highly recommended as a daly anti age, anti cellulite treatment, to keep your skin young and shiny, for SPA, after Gym and yoga. Parabens & GMO- FREE, organic components only. Healthy, Shiny& Silken skin.
100% Vegan , Natural scrub- soap . the "Coffee addiction" anti age and anti-cellulite effect based on organic coffee arabica and herbs, organic components only. the "Coffee Addiction" soap is a perfect way to help ensure proper care and treatment of your skin. Highly recommended as daly anti age, anti cellulite treatment, for SPA, after Gym and yoga. Paragons & GMO- FREE, organic components only.